Educational Foundation

Educational Foundation

Omicron Rho Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity’s Omicron Rho Lambda Educational Foundation, Inc. (OPLEF) founded January 15, 2005, and is a 501(c)(3) charitable arm of the chapter. The tax identification number of the foundation is: ##-####792.

OPLEF’s Incorporators are:
    Lewis H. Burke, Esq.
    Ben Brown, Jr.
    Edward L. Huell, Jr
    John Walls, Jr. PhD

OPLEF collaborates with private and public sponsors, partner with corporate, civil, and community organizations to aid the individual, family and community betterment of Vicksburg Warren County area.

The Omicron Rho Lambda Educational Foundation takes great pride in providing scholarships to local youth of Vicksburg Warren County. OPLEF is dependent on the generosity of individuals, grants, corporations, and foundations for 100% of its funding. Gifts of all sizes make a difference and all contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. OPLEF’s major fundraising initiative is the annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship Breakfast 

We are very appreciative of any donation that you are able to give, large or small. 

Tax deductible donations can be made to:

Omicron Lambda Educational Foundation Inc., which is a 501(c) 3. When making checks payable to the foundation, you may specify in the check memo field where you wish to designate your funds.


(Supported the 2023 MLK Scholarship Breakfast)