Teens Today, Leaders Tomorrow.

Leadership Club

Project Alpha Leadership Club (PALC) is a youth auxiliary sponsored by the OPLEF since 1994 which focus on “At-Risk” young men from ages 12 to 17 in conjunction with our March of Dimes efforts. The club meets once a month on Saturdays for 2 hours during the school year. Activities include but are not limited to workshops on family values, self-esteem, sexual behavior, life after school, leadership skills, and scholarship/academic achievement. PALC also use TED Talk exercises and volunteer guest speakers with backgrounds in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math), Education, Medical, Law, Legal, Sports, Politics, etc. The foundation sponsors trips to colleges and museums.  PALC has an end of the year banquet, Gentlemen Luncheon, in which we honor participants and solicit past members of the club to come and speak to the current members about planning for college or university.


Today’s Teens, Tomorrow’s Leaders!


What are some hands-on things the young men are taught?

      • How to tie a bow tie
      • How to read a tire gauge & properly inflate a vehicle’s tire
      • Dinner table etiquette
      • Dos and Don’ts of wearing a suit
      • STEM projects
      • And more…

Do they participate in any community service projects? If so, what are they?

    • Bell Ringers to help the Salvation Army raise funds
    • Preparing fruit baskets/bags for the elderly at a local nursing home
    • Cleaning the area around the Dr. MLK, Jr. Monument
    • Volunteering as ushers at the city’s Dr. MLK, Jr. Program
    • And more…

PALC Distinguish Fellow


For a graduating senior who has attended at least 60% of the leadership club’s meetings and events during his membership. The young man must also have received a letter of acceptance of enrollment to a college or university.

Distinguish Fellow award amount: $250